Titration : The quentities of the constituents present in given unknown solution are determined by measuring the volumes of solution taking part in a given chemical reaction. It is called titration.
(a) Single Titration : When a solution of known conc. is used to determine the conc. of an unknown solution.
(b) Double titration : When 2 indication are used to determine the composition of mixture of solution.
Basic Terms used in Tiration
1) Titre - It is a way of expressing concentration it gives an approximate quantitate unformation from an analytical process.
2) Titrant - Areagent called titrant when perpared in volunetric analysis as otandard solution.
3) Standard solution - A solution whose conecntration is known to us is known as standard solution.
4) Unknown solution - A solution whose concetration is not known and is calcutated by the process of titration.
5) Intermediate solution - A solution which can react with standard and unknown solution and is used to find the concentration of unknown solution.
6) Indicator - A chemical substance which changes the colour at the end point.
7) End point - The stage during titration at which the reaction is just complete i known as the end point of the titration.
8) Equivalence point of stoichiometric point -  The point at which the reaction between titre and titrant is complete. This point does not show any change in colour.
Strendart substance- In titration, standard substances are clanified into foecousing two cakego ries on the basis of formation of solution.
1) Primary standard- A substance whose standard solution can be prepared by mising appropriate amount of it in distilled water is known as primary standared.
eg. copper sulphate, ferrous ammonium sulphate, silver nitrate etc. It has following characteristics:
i) It is easily anaitable in state of high purity.
ii) It is neither hydroscopic nor deliquescent.
iii) It shown high solubility in water.
iv) It does not dissociate or decompose during storage.
2) Secondary standard - Substance whose stantard solutions cannot be preapared directly it called secondary standard.
eg Potassium permamgnate, Sodium hydroxide and Potossium hydroxide etc.
Working of Double Titration -
a) Titration between standard sollution and intermediate solution -
In this experiment (step) we riuse pipette and conical flask with given standard solution and pour standard solution in Burette. With the help of pipette, add fixed amount of standard solution in conical flask. Add 3 to 4 drops of suitable indicator in the flask. Allow solution placed in burette slowly, dropwise in the flosk with continous stinning, till the equivalence point. is attamed, non this reading of burette (as V2) unsing volume (V1) of standard solution, Normality of intermediate solution can be determined.
b) Titration between standard solution adn unknown solution- Using above procedure of titration of unknown solution with standardised intermediate solution, vol (V3) of unknown solution and (V4) volume of intermediate solution can be determined. Following calculation is used to find the concentration of unknown solution-
1. On the basis of Normality-
a) To Calculate concentration of unknown solution-
(Titration between known solution and intermediate solution)
N1V1 = N2V2
N2 =                                                                                                                                                 .................(i)
N1 = Normality of known solution
V1 = Volume of known solution
N2 = Normality of Intermediate solution
V2 = Volume of Intermediate  solution
b) (Titration between unknown solution and intermediate solution)
N3V3 = N4V4
N3 =                                                                                                                                                 .................(ii)
N3 = Normality of unknown solution
V3 = Volume of unknown solution
N4 = Normality of Intermediate solution
V4 = Volume of Intermediate  solution
using eq. (i) and (ii)
N3 =
c) Concentration of unknown solution
                = equvalant weight
d) percentage purity can be calculated using the formula-
% purity = 100

1. On the basis of Molarity-
We require a balanced chemical equation
eg            aA+bBproducts
Where A & B are reactance and a & b are mole numbers of A and B. Now, the concertration i.e. molarity can be calculated as
MA = Molarity of A
VA = Volume of A
MB = Molarity of B
VB = Volume of B
So, MB =
if a & b are in the ratio of 1:1, then, formula can be written as
Types of Titration on the basis of Reactions,
1) Acid Base Titration - It is voluems the nutralisation reaction between an acidic and a basic solution eg. Titration of NaOH with Ocalic acid.
2) Redox Titration - It involues redox recation between the analyte and titratant. It may involue the use of a redox indicator.
eg. Titration of Mohr’s salt with Potassium Permanganate.
3) Comploxometric Titration - It is a form of volumetric analysis in which the formation of a colored complex is used to indicate the end point of titration eg. Determination of degree of hardness of water using EDTA.
4) Precipitation Titration - It involues the formation of insoluble precipitate which seare as a basis for a titration. eg. Analysis of K2CO3 and K2SO4 in potasle.
(1) Acid Base Titration -
a) Titration between strong Acid and strong base -
In such cases, strong acid and strong base is used. At the equivalence point, equal amoeuls of H+ and OH- ions will combine to form H2O, resulting in a pH of 7.0 (Neutarl). eg. Strong acid H2SO4, HCl, HNO3 etc.
Strong base - NaOH, KOH
b) Titration between weak Acid and strong base -
It involves the direct transfer of protons from the weak acid to hydroxide ion. The reaction of weak acid with strong base like acetic acid and NaOH can be seen below
C2H4O2 +OH- C2H3O2- + H2O
c) Titration between strong Acid and weak base -
The pH at the equvaleue point is not 7 but below it. This is because it forms a conjugte acid during the titration and will react with water to produce H3O+ ions.
eg. NH4OH, Na2CO3 are weak bases and HCl, H2SO4  are strong acids. Methyl orange is used as an indicator when we take strong acid in burette.
Strong base - NaOH, KOH
d) Titration between weak Acid and weak base -
Weak acids and weak base alnays exiset as conjugate acid base point in an equeous solution pH does not change vigrously at end point.
Table 1.1

Table 1.2

Table 1.3

                Equevalent weight of acid=
                Equevalent weight of Base =
Preparation of Starndard solution -
Generally Acids and Bases exist in liquid or in solid form. While making dilute solution of liquids acids or bases, Normaly is to be keep is mind. Following is the table which gives the required amount of acids to be dissolued in 1 lit. to prepare known strength of that solution.
Table 1.4

Table 1.5

AIM-     Find the concentration of unknown Oxalic acid solution in gm per litre  given in bottle “B”. For this purpose  standard solution of crystalline Oxalic acid is given in bottle “A” having molarity . Intermediate solution is sodium Hydroxide and Phenolphthalin is used as an indicator.
Theory-It is acidic-base titration. It is a double titration. With phenolphthalin indicator it gives pink colour in base adn becomes colourless in acidic medium.
Chemical Reaction -
                H2C2O4 + 2 NaOH Na2C2O4 + 2H2O
Ionic Reaction -
                H+ + OH- H2O
                        Apparaturs and Matericals required -
                Burette, pipette, conical flask, funnel, burette stand, NaOH solution, Oxalic acid solution, indicator Phenolphthalin , distiled water etc.
                a) Titration of std. Oxalic acid solution with NaOH solution
                Fill burette with NaOH intermidiate solution and Pipette out 20 ml known Oxalic acid solution in conical flosk add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalin indicator. Do the titration as discussed in Ex. No. 01 and find the Concordant Reading.
                b) Titration of Unknown Oxalic acid solution with intermediate NaOH solution
                Fill burette with intermediate NaOH solution and pipette out 20 ml of unknown oxalic acid. Add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalin indicator. Repeat the process of titration and find the concordant reading.
Obseration Table 1
a) Titration between known Oxalic acid and intermediate solution.

Sr. No.
Vol. of Known Oxalic acid solution
Burette Reading
Vol. of NaOH Solution
20 ml.

20 ml

20 ml

Obseration Table 2
a) Titration between unknown Oxalic acid and intermediate solution.

Sr. No.
Vol. of Unnown Oxalic acid solution
Burette Reading
Vol. of NaOH Solution
20 ml.

20 ml

20 ml

                Calculation -
                a) Molarity of Given Oxalic acid solution = M/30
                b) a1M1V1 = a2M2V2
                a1 = 2
                a2 = 1    
                M1 = M/30 Molarity of std. Oxalic acid  solution.
                M2 = Molarity of Intermediate NaOH  solution.
                V1 = Volume of std. Oxalic acid  solution.
                V2 = Volume of Intermediate NaOH  solution.
                M2 = =2M
                c) Molarity of unknown Oxalic acid  solution.
                2M3V3 = M4V4
                M3 = Molarity of unknown Oxalic acid  solution= ?
                M4 = Molarity of Intermediate NaOH solution. =2M
                V3 = Volume of unknown Oxalic acid  solution.= 20 ml
                V4 = Volume of Intermediate NaOHsolution. =
                M3 = =M
                d) Concentration of unknown oxalic acid
                Concentratin = molarity x mol. mass of crystalline oxalic acid
                                = M126 = 6.1456 gm/lit.

AIM-     Find out the molarity of unknown sloution of sodium carbonate given in bottle ‘B’. For this purpose  standard solution of crystaline Sodium carbonate is given in Bottle ‘A’ having molarity M/20. intermediate solution is HCl. indicator : Methyl orange
Theory-a) this is neutralisation titration.
                b) This is double titration.
                c) Methyl orange gives orange colour in basic and pink colour in acidic medium.
Chemical Reaction -
                Na2CO3 + 2HCl 2NaCl + H2O + CO2
Apparaturs and Matericals required -
                Burette, pipette, conical flask, funnel, burette stand, Na2CO3 solution, HCl solution, indicator methyl orange, distiled water etc.
                a) Titration of std. Na2CO3 solution with HCl solution
                Wash Burette with water followed by washing with HCl solution. Then fill burette with HCl solution by placing it in stand.
                New pitpette out 20 ml of Std. solution in conical flask. Add 2-3 drops of indicator in the flask. Allow the solution of burette to add in the flask drop by drop with continous stinning.
                At the equvatence point, pink colour appears. Note the burette reading to calculate the molority of solution repeat the process to get concordant reading.
                b) Titration of Unknown solution with intermediate solution
                Take intermediate solution in burette, and pipette out 20 ml in conical flask. Add 2-3 drops of indicator.
                Now add solution from burette in the flask drop by drop, fill pink colour comes at end point.
Obseration Table 1

Obseration Table 2

                Calculation -
                a) Molarity of Given Na2CO3 = M/20
                b) a1M1V1 = a2M2V2
                a1 = 2
                a2 = 1    
                M1 = M/20 Molarity of std. Na2CO3 solution.
                M2 = Molarity of Intermediate HCl solution.
                V1 = Volume of std. Na2CO3 solution.
                V2 = Volume of Intermediate HCl solution.
                M2 = =2M
                c) Molarity of unknown Sodium Carbonate solution.
                2M3V3 = M4V4
                M3 = Molarity of unknown Na2CO3 solution.= ?
                M4 = Molarity of Intermediate HCl solution. =2M
                V3 = Volume of unknown Na2CO3 solution.= 20 ml
                V4 = Volume of Intermediate HCl solution. =
                M3 = =M
Result- Molarity of unknown sodium carbonate is ................... mol/Lit.

AIM-     To find the % purity of unknown ferrous ammonium sulphate given in bottle B. Its sample is prepared by mixing 14.0 gm in 1 lit. of solution. For this, you are provided with std. solution of ferrous ammonium sulphate fo 13.0666 g/l. concentration given in bottle A. intermediate solution is KMnO4
Theory-It is a redox reaction where ferrous ammonium sulphate also acts as reducing agent just-like oxalic acid.
                Chemical reacting takes place
                oxn half reaction
                FeSO4(NH4)2SO4.6H2O +  H2SO4 +[O]Fe2(SO4)3 + (NH4)2 SO4 + 7H2O
                Redn half reaction
                KMnO4+3H2SO4K2(SO4) + Mn SO4 + 3H2O +5[O]

                Apparaturs and Matericals required -
                Burette, pipette, conical flask, funnel, burette stand, washing bottle, Ferrous ammonium sulphate solution, (Known & unknown), KMnO4 solution, distilled water, dil H2SO4 .
                Procedure -
                a) Titration of Intermeidate KMnO4 solution with known Ferrous ammonium sulphate
                Fill the burette with intermediate KMnO4 after riusing with wath. Now take 20 ml of known ferrous ammonium sulphate solution in a conical flask, and then add around 10 ml of dil H2SO4. Now add KMnO4 dropwise in the conical flask till permanent pink colour appears, this is the end point, repeat the process to get concordant reading.
                b) Titration of Unknown Ferrous ammonium sulphate solution with intermediate KMnO4 solution
                Fill burette with intermediate solution, and fill conical flask with ferrous ammonium sulphate solution wsing pipette. Now add 10 ml of dil. H2SO4and find the end point repeat the process to get concordant reading.
Obseration Table 1
a) Titration between intermediate KMnO4 solution with known solution FAS solution.

Obseration Table 2
b) Titration between unknown solution and intermediate KMnO4 solution.

                Calculation -
                a) Molarity of std. Ferrous ammonium sulphate solution
                Molarity =
                b) Molarity of intermediate KMnO4 solution
                M1V1 = 5M2V2
                M1 = Molarity of known Ferrous ammonium sulphate  solution.=M
                M2 = Molarity of  intermediate KMnO4 solution.= ?
                V1 = Volume of known FAS solution.= 20 ml
                V2 = Volume of intermediate KMnO4 solution.= x ml
                c) Molarity of unknown FAS solution.
                M3V3 = 5M4V4
                M3 = Molarity of known FAS solution.
                M4 = Molarity of  intermediate KMnO4 solution. =M
                V3 = Volume of known FAS solution. = 20 ml
                V4 = Volume of intermediate KMnO4 solution. = y ml
                d) strength of unknown oxalic acid
                strength = molarity x mol. mass of crystalline oxalic acid
                                = 392.12 = ......... gm/lit.
                e) % purity of unknown FAS
                                =100 =100  = ............%
                Result : Perecent purity of unknown crystalline FAS solution is ............%.
                You may use normality in place molarity.
                a) Normality of standred oxalic acid
                Normality =
                N1 =N
                b) Normality of intermediate KMnO4 solution.
                N1V1 = N2V2
                N1 = Normality of std.FAS solution.=N
                N2 = Molarity of Intermediate KMnO4 solution. = ?
                V1 = Volume of std. FAS  solution. = 20 ml
                V2 = Volume of Intermediate KMnO4 solution. = x ml
                N2 = =N
                c) Normality of unknown FAS solution.
                N3V3 = N4V4
                N3 = Normality of unknown FAS solution.= ?
                N4 = Normality of Intermediate  KMnO4  solution. =N
                V3 = Volume of unknown FAS solution.= 20 ml
                V4 = Volume of Intermediate  KMnO4  solution. =y ml
                N3 = =N
                d) Strength of unknown FAS
                Strength = Normality Eq. wt. of FAS
                                = ...... gm/lit
                e) % Purity of unknown FAS
                % purtiy = 100 = 100 = ............%
Result- % purity of unknown crystalline FAS is  ............%
                Potassium dichromate titration

                a) Normality of std. sodium carbonate
                Normality =
                                = g/l
                b) Normality of std. Hydrochloric acid solution
                N1V1 = N2V2
                N1 = Normality of std.oxalic acid solution.= N
                N2 = Molarity of Intermediate HCl solution. = ?
                V1 = Volume of std. Oxalic acid  solution. = 20 ml
                V2 = Volume of Intermediate HCl solution. = x ml
                N2 = =N
                c) Normality of unknown Sodium Carbonate solution.
                N3V3 = N4V4
                N3 = Normality of unknown Na2CO3 solution.= ?
                N4 = Normality of Intermediate HCl solution. = y N
                V3 = Volume of unknown Na2CO3 solution.= 20 ml
                V4 = Volume of Intermediate HCl solution. =y ml
                N3 = =N
Result- Normality of unknown sodium carbonate is N.

Exp. 1
AIM-     Calculate the molarity of unknown sodium carbonate given in bottle B. You are provided with M/20 standard solution of Sodium carbonate solutin in Bottle A. By Titration method using methyl orange as an indicator and intermediate solution is HCl.
Theory-a) this is neutralisation titration.
                b) This is double titration.
                c) Methyl orange gives orange colour in basic and pink colour in acidic medium.
Chemical Reaction -
                Na2CO3 + 2HCl 2NaCl + H2O + CO2
Apparaturs and Matericals required -
                Burette, pipette, conical flask, funnel, burette stand, Na2CO3 solution, HCl solution, indicator methyl orange, distiled water etc.
                a) Titration of std. Na2CO3 solution with HCl solution
                Wash Burette with water followed by washing with HCl solution. Then fill burette with HCl solution by placing it in stand.
                New pitpette out 20 ml of Std. solution in conical flask. Add 2-3 drops of indicator in the flask. Allow the solution of burette to add in the flask drop by drop with continous stinning.
                At the equvatence point, pink colour appears. Note the burette reading to calculate the molority of solution repeat the process to get concordant reading.
                b) Titration of Unknown solution with intermediate solution
                Take intermediate solution in burette, and pipette out 20 ml in conical flask. Add 2-3 drops of indicator.
                Now add solution from burette in the flask drop by drop, fill pink colour comes at end point.
Obseration Table 1

Obseration Table 2

                Calculation -
                a) Molarity of Given Na2CO3 = M/20
                b) a1M1V1 = a2M2V2
                a1 = 2
                a2 = 1    
                M1 = M/20 Molarity of std. Na2CO3 solution.
                M2 = Molarity of Intermediate HCl solution.
                V1 = Volume of std. Na2CO3 solution.
                V2 = Volume of Intermediate HCl solution.
                M2 = =2M
                c) Molarity of unknown Sodium Carbonate solution.
                2M3V3 = M4V4
                M3 = Molarity of unknown Na2CO3 solution.= ?
                M4 = Molarity of Intermediate HCl solution. =2M
                V3 = Volume of unknown Na2CO3 solution.= 20 ml
                V4 = Volume of Intermediate HCl solution. =
                M3 = =M
Result- Molarity of unknown sodium carbonate is ................... mol/Lit.

Exp. 2
AIM-     Find the concentration in gm per litre of unknown Oxalic acid solution given in bottle B. You are provided with standard crystalline Oxalic acid solution whose 12.68 gm of oxalic acid is disolved in 1 lit in bottle A.  Intermediate solution is sodium Hydroxide and Phenolphthalin is used as an indicator.
Theory-It is acidic-base titration. It is a double titration. With phenolphthalin indicator it gives pink colour in base adn becomes colourless in acidic medium.
Chemical Reaction -
                H2C2O4 + 2 NaOH Na2C2O4 + 2H2O
                        Apparaturs and Matericals required -
                Burette, pipette, conical flask, funnel, burette stand, NaOH solution, Oxalic acid solution, indicator Phenolphthalin , distiled water etc.
                a) Titration of std. Oxalic acid solution with NaOH solution
                Fill burette with NaOH intermidiate solution and Pipette out 20 ml known Oxalic acid solution in conical flosk add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalin indicator. Do the titration as discussed in Ex. No. 01 and find the Concordant Reading.
                b) Titration of Unknown Oxalic acid solution with intermediate NaOH solution
                Fill burette with intermediate NaOH solution and pipette out 20 ml of unknown oxalic acid. Add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalin indicator. Repeat the process of titration and find the concordant reading.
Obseration Table 1
a) Titration between known Oxalic acid and intermediate solution.

Obseration Table 2
a) Titration between unknown Oxalic acid and intermediate solution.

                Calculation -
                a) Normality of std. sodium carbonate
                Normality =
                                = g/l
                b) Normality of std. Hydrochloric acid solution
                N1V1 = N2V2
                N1 = Normality of std.oxalic acid solution.= N
                N2 = Molarity of Intermediate HCl solution. = ?
                V1 = Volume of std. Oxalic acid  solution. = 20 ml
                V2 = Volume of Intermediate HCl solution. = x ml
                N2 = =N
                c) Normality of unknown Sodium Carbonate solution.
                N3V3 = N4V4
                N3 = Normality of unknown Na2CO3 solution.= ?
                N4 = Normality of Intermediate HCl solution. = y N
                V3 = Volume of unknown Na2CO3 solution.= 20 ml
                V4 = Volume of Intermediate HCl solution. =y ml
                N3 = =N
Result- Normality of unknown sodium carbonate is N.
                Oxidation- Reduction (Redox) titrations.
Redox reactions -It is a type of titration based on a redox reaction (which involves the reaction two species where one reaceant undergo reduction while other undergo oxidation reaction between analyte adn titreat.
                It may involves the use of redox indicator and / or a potentiometer.
                Preparation of solution - On such titration one substance acts as reducing agent. To prepare std. solution we should how hnowledge of equivalent weight.
                To calculate eq. wt. of oxidant and reducataut.
                Eq. wt. of oxidising agent =
                or Equivalent wt. =
                eg. eq. wt. of KMnO4 =
                In acidic medium
                MnO4- + 8H+ + e- Mn2+ + 4H2O
                Mol. mass of KMnO4 =158
                No of e- gained = 5
                So,  Eq. wt. = = 31.6
                In basic medium
                MnO4- + 3 e- + 2H2OMnO2 + 4OH-
                So,  No of e- gained = 3
                So,  Eq. wt. = = 52.66
                In neutral medium
                MnO4- + 2H2O + 3 e- MnO2 + 4OH-
                So,  Eq. wt. = = 52.66
2.             Eq. wt of K2Cr2O7 
                Cr2O72- + 14H+ + 6 e- 2Cr3+ + 7H2O
                Mol. mass of K2Cr2O7 =294
                No of e- gained = 6
                So,  Eq. wt. = = 49
3.             Eq. wt of  ferrous sulphate 
                Fe2+ Fe3+ +  e- 
                Mol. mass of FeSO4.7H2O =278
                No of e- lost per moleculer = 1
                So,  Eq. wt. = = 278
4.             Eq. wt of  Mohr’s slat [FeSO4.(NH4)2SO4.6H2O] 
                Fe2+ Fe3+ +  e- 
                Mol. mass of Mohr’s salt =392
                No of e- lost per moleculer = 1
                So,  Eq. wt. = = 392
5.             Eq. wt of  Oxalic acid (H2C2O4.2H2O) 
                (C2O4)-2 2CO2 +  2e- 
                Mol. mass of Oxalic acid =126
                No of e- lost per moleculer = 2
                So,  Eq. wt. = = 63
                Now eq. wt. of acid can be
                Calcuted as =
                == 63
                So, Eq. wt. of oxalic acid = 63
Table 1.6 shows amount of different substances taken for different conc. of solution.

Exp. 4
AIM-     Find the concentration in (gm per litre) of unknown Oxalic acid solution given in bottle B. Using the std. solution of crystiline of oxalic acid for which 4.2026 g/l in Bottle A.  Intermediate solution is Potasium permanganate.
Theory-We all know that KMnO4 acts as strong oxidising agent in acidic medium can be shows by following reaction.
                                MnO4- + 8H+ + 5 e- Mn+2 + 4H2O
                In this titration, dil. H2SO4 acid to make the medium acid. We cannot used Nitric acid because HNO3 is itself an oxidising agent. HCl can not be used because it reacts with KMnO4 as shown below
                2KMnO4 + 16HCl2KCl + 5Cl2 + 8H2O + 2MnCl2
                oxalic acid in this reaction acts as acducing agent .
                following reacting takes place
                reactions of oxalic acid
                2KMnO4 + 3H2SO4K2SO4+ 2MnSO4 + 3H2O + 5[O]
                {H2C2O4 + [O] 2CO2+H2O} 5
                net reaction
                2KMnO4  +  3H2SO4  + 5 H2C2O4 K2SO4 +  2MnSO4  +  8H2O  +  10CO2
                        Ionic equation
                [MnO4-  + 5 e- + 8H+Mn+2 + 4H2O]2
                [C2O4-2  + 2CO2 + 2 e-]5
                net reaction
                2MnO4-  +5C2O4-2 + 16H+2Mn+2 + 10CO2+8H2O
                In these reactions MnO4- ion gets reduced to Mn+2, and C2O4-2 ions gets oxidised to CO2 . So that C cahnges its oxn No. from +3 to +4, where KMnO4  acts as self indicator. Initially when the reaction between oxalic acid and KMnO4  takes place and thus colour of KMnO4  disappears but at end point where oxalic acid is completely conseumed, KMnO4  shows its colour. In adding to the doing the reaction mix. of oxalic acid KMnO4  & dil. H2SO4  in heated at about 500C, became this reaction. takes place at high temperature. In this reaction, KMnO4  changes to MnSO4  which acts as catalyst with aley ratc of reaction is slow but as the reaction proeceds, rate of reaction.
                        Apparaturs and Matericals required -
                Burette, pipette, conical flask, funnel, burette stand, washing bottle, Oxalic acid solution, (Known & unknown), KMnO4 solution, distilled water, dil H2SO4 .
                Procedure -
                a) Titration of Intermeidate KMnO4 solution with known oxalic acid
                Wash the bottle first with distilled water and then with intermediated KMnO4 solution at 0 reading. Now take 20 ml in conical flask and heat at 500C tempereture, add aroound 10 ml of dil. H2SO4 to take the medium acidic. add KMnO4 drop from the burette in the flask and find the end point where pink colour of KMnO4 reaction. Repeat the procers till concordant readings are obtained.
                b) Titration of Unknown Oxalic acid solution with intermediate KMnO4 solution
                Now fill the burette with intermediate KMnO4 after rising with distilled water. Take unknown oxlac acid in conical flask using pipette (20 ml). Now heat the flask to 500C, and then add arount 10 ml of dil. H2SO4. Do the process of titration and find the concordant reading.
Obseration Table 1
a) Titration between intermediate solution with known solution.

Obseration Table 2
b) Titration between unknown Oxalic acid and intermediate solution.

                Calculation -
                a) Molarity of std. oxalic acid solution
                Molarity =
                b) Molarity of intermediate KMnO4 solution
                n1M1V1 = n2M2V2
                2M1V1 = 5M2V2

                M1 = Molarity of known oxalic acid solution.
                M2 = Molarity of  intermediate KMnO4 solution.
                V1 = Volume of known oxalic acid solution.
                V2 = Volume of intermediate KMnO4 solution.
                M2 = =M
                c) Molarity of unknown oxalic acid solution.
                2M3V3 = 5M4V4
                M3 = Molarity of known oxalic acid solution.
                M4 = Molarity of  intermediate KMnO4 solution. =M
                V3 = Volume of known oxalic acid solution. = 20 ml
                V4 = Volume of intermediate KMnO4 solution. = y ml
                M3 =
                d) strength of unknown oxalic acid
                strength = molarity x mol. mass of crystalline oxalic acid
                                = 126= ......... gm/lit.
                Result : Strength of unknown crystalline oxalic acid solution is ............gm/lit.
                You may use normality in place molarity.
                a) Normality of standred oxalic acid
                Normality =
                N1 =N
                b) Normality of intermediate KMnO4 solution.
                N1V1 = N2V2
                N1 = Normality of std.oxalic acid solution.=N
                N2 = Molarity of Intermediate KMnO4 solution. = ?
                V1 = Volume of std. Oxalic acid  solution. = 20 ml
                V2 = Volume of Intermediate KMnO4 solution. = x ml
                N2 = =N
                c) Normality of unknown oxalic acid solution.
                N3V3 = N4V4
                N3 = Normality of unknown oxlaic acid solution.= ?
                N4 = Normality of Intermediate  KMnO4  solution. =N
                V3 = Volume of unknown oxalic acid solution.= 20 ml
                V4 = Volume of Intermediate  KMnO4  solution. =y ml
                N3 = =N
                d) Strength of unknown oxalic acid
                Strength = Normality Eq. wt. of oxalic acid
                                = 63.04
                                = ...... gm/lit
Result- Strength  of unknown crystalline oxalic acid is gm/lit.
Exp. 5
AIM-     To find the % purity of unknown ferrous ammonium sulphate given in bottle B. Its sample is prepared by mixing 14.0 gm in 1 lit. of solution. For this, you are provided with std. solution of ferrous ammonium sulphate fo 13.0706 g/l. concentration given in bottle A. intermediate solution is KMnO4
Theory-It is a redox reaction where ferrous ammonium sulphate also acts as reducing agent just-like oxalic acid.
                Chemical reacting takes place
                oxn half reaction
                FeSO4(NH4)2SO4.6H2O +  H2SO4 +[O]Fe2(SO4)3 + (NH4)2 SO4 + 7H2O
                Redn half reaction
                KMnO4+3H2SO4K2(SO4) + Mn SO4 + 3H2O +5[O]
                Apparaturs and Matericals required -
                Burette, pipette, conical flask, funnel, burette stand, washing bottle, Ferrous ammonium sulphate solution, (Known & unknown), KMnO4 solution, distilled water, dil H2SO4 .
                Procedure -
                a) Titration of Intermeidate KMnO4 solution with known Ferrous ammonium sulphate
                Fill the burette with intermediate KMnO4 after riusing with wath. Now take 20 ml of known ferrous ammonium sulphate solution in a conical flask, and then add around 10 ml of dil H2SO4. Now add KMnO4 dropwise in the conical flask till permanent pink colour appears, this is the end point, repeat the process to get concordant reading.
                b) Titration of Unknown Ferrous ammonium sulphate solution with intermediate KMnO4 solution
                Fill burette with intermediate solution, and fill conical flask with ferrous ammonium sulphate solution wsing pipette. Now add 10 ml of dil. H2SO4and find the end point repeat the process to get concordant reading.
Obseration Table 1
a) Titration between intermediate KMnO4 solution with known solution FAS solution.

Obseration Table 2
b) Titration between unknown solution and intermediate KMnO4 solution.

                Calculation -
                a) Molarity of std. Ferrous ammonium sulphate solution
                Molarity =
                b) Molarity of intermediate KMnO4 solution
                M1V1 = 5M2V2
                M1 = Molarity of known Ferrous ammonium sulphate  solution.=M
                M2 = Molarity of  intermediate KMnO4 solution.= ?
                V1 = Volume of known FAS solution.= 20 ml
                V2 = Volume of intermediate KMnO4 solution.= x ml
                c) Molarity of unknown FAS solution.
                M3V3 = 5M4V4
                M3 = Molarity of known FAS solution.
                M4 = Molarity of  intermediate KMnO4 solution. =M
                V3 = Volume of known FAS solution. = 20 ml
                V4 = Volume of intermediate KMnO4 solution. = y ml
                d) strength of unknown oxalic acid
                strength = molarity x mol. mass of crystalline oxalic acid
                                = 392.12 = ......... gm/lit.
                e) % purity of unknown FAS
                                =100 =100  = ............%
                Result : Perecent purity of unknown crystalline FAS solution is ............%.
                You may use normality in place molarity.
                a) Normality of standred oxalic acid
                Normality =
                N1 =N
                b) Normality of intermediate KMnO4 solution.
                N1V1 = N2V2
                N1 = Normality of std.FAS solution.=N
                N2 = Molarity of Intermediate KMnO4 solution. = ?
                V1 = Volume of std. FAS  solution. = 20 ml
                V2 = Volume of Intermediate KMnO4 solution. = x ml
                N2 = =N
                c) Normality of unknown FAS solution.
                N3V3 = N4V4
                N3 = Normality of unknown FAS solution.= ?
                N4 = Normality of Intermediate  KMnO4  solution. =N
                V3 = Volume of unknown FAS solution.= 20 ml
                V4 = Volume of Intermediate  KMnO4  solution. =y ml
                N3 = =N
                d) Strength of unknown FAS
                Strength = Normality Eq. wt. of FAS
                                = ...... gm/lit
                e) % Purity of unknown FAS
                % purtiy = 100 = 100 = ............%
Result- % purity of unknown crystalline FAS is  ............%
                Potassium dichromate titration
                Introdution - Reaction between K2Cr2O7 and Ferrous ion is a redox reaction, when Fe+2 salt acts as reducing agent and acidic K2Cr2O7 act as an oxidising.
                Following is the reaction takes place :-
                Cr2O7-2 + Fe+2 + 14 H+ 2Cr+3 + 6 Fe+3 + 7 H2O
                In this reaction, Fe+2 is oxidised to Fe+3 . For the determination of Fe+2, K2Cr2O7 is more suitable then KMnO4  this is because:-
                a) Std. solution of K2Cr2O7 can be prepared.
                b) Its aq solution does not dissociate on standing for longer time.
                c) To make the medium acidic dil. HCl can also be used in addtion be dil. H2SO4.
                d) K2Cr2O7 can not be reduced by the carbonic impurities proseut in H2O.
                N-Phenyl Anthranlic acid is used as an internal indicator for this reaction.
                K4[Fe(CN)6] can be used as an external indicator.
                N-Phenyl anthranillic acid - This is green in colour. When it reacts with K2Cr2O7  green color changes to porple colour. In the titration between Ferrous salt and K2Cr2O7 , Ferrous ion gets oxidised to Ferric ions.
                Following is the structure of N-Phenyl Anthranillic acid which changes from green to purple colour.
                +                             +H2O
                                                                                                                                                Green Coloour                   
                                Violet Colour
                Preparation of N-Phenyl anthrallic acid - Mix 1 gm  N-Phenyl anthrallic acid in 15 ml solution of 0.1 N NaOH and to make it up to 1 litre by adding distilled water. use 5-6 drops of this indicator every time. You can use diphynyl amine also in case  N-Phenyl anthrallic acid.
Exp. 6
AIM-     To calculate the conc. of Ferrous Ammonium sulphate in gm/lit. in bottle B. N/30 Ferrous ammonium sulphate is given bootle A. K2Cr2O7 is used as intermidiate solution, indicator given is N-Phenyl anthrallic acid.
Theory-K2Cr2O7 in acidic medium, oxadises Fe+2 to Fe+3 ions. colour of indicator changes from green to perple as per the following chemical reaction.
                K2Cr2O7+FeSO4(NH4)2SO4.6H2O + 7 H2SO4 K2SO4 +Cr2(SO4)3 +3Fe2(SO4)3 + 6(NH4)2 SO4 + 48H2O
                Ionic  reaction
                Cr2O7-2 + 6 Fe+2+ 14H+Cr+3 + 6 Fe+3+ 7H2O
                Procedure -
                Fill K2Cr2O7 sollution in the burette and pipette out 20 ml fo FAS in conical flask and add around 10 ml dil H2SO4 .and 4-5 drops of indicator, at the end point green colour. Repeat the process to get concordant reading.
Obseration Table 1
a) Titration of std FAS with intermediate K2Cr2O7 solution

Obseration Table 2
b) Titration between unknown FAS solution and intermediate K2Cr2O4 solution.

                Calculation - Titration of Std. FAS with Std. K2Cr2O7
                FAS = K2Cr2O7
                N1V1 = N2V2
                N1 = Normality of std.FAS solution.
                N2 = Normality of Intermediate solution. = ?
                V1 = Volume of std. FAS  solution. = 20 ml
                V2 = Volume of Intermediate solution. = x ml
                  20 = N2 x ml
                N2 =
                b) Titration of intermediate solution with unknown FAS
                FAS = K2Cr2O7
                N3V3 = N4V4
                N3 = Normality of unknown FAS solution.= ?
                N4 = Normality of Intermediate  K2Cr2O7  solution. 
                V3 = Volume of unknown FAS solution.= 20 ml
                V4 = Volume of Intermediate  K2Cr2O7 solution. =y ml
                N3 20 = N4 y ml
                N3 20 =  y ml
                N3 = 392.12
Result- Strength unknown crystalline FAS is  ...........gm/liter.
Exp. 7
AIM-     To find the strength (in g/l) for given Ferrous Ammonium sulphate  in bottle B. Bottle A contains 12.2536 gm/liter standred solution of FAS. Intermidiate solution is K2Cr2O7 .
                Indicator   N-Phenyl anthrallic acid.
Theory- Reaction between K2Cr2O7 and FAS is a redox reactin, where Fe+2 gets oxidixed to  Fe+2 to Fe+3 ions. and Cr+6 is reduced to Cr+3.
                Chemical reaction
                K2Cr2O7+7FeSO4(NH4)2SO4.6H2O + 7 H2SO4 K2SO4 +Cr2(SO4)3 +3Fe2(SO4)3 + 6(NH4)2 SO4 + 43H2O
                Ionic  reaction
                Cr2O7-2 + 6 Fe+2+ 14H+Cr+3 + 6 Fe+3+ 7H2O
Obseration Table 1
a) Titration of std FAS with intermediate K2Cr2O7 solution

Obseration Table 2
b) Titration between unknown FAS solution and intermediate K2Cr2O4 solution.

                Calculation -
                i) Normality fo std. FAs solution
                N = =
                ii) Titration between std FAS and intermediat K2Cr2O7

                FAS = K2Cr2O7
                N1V1 = N2V2
                N1 = Normality of std.FAS solution.
                N2 = Normality of Intermediate solution. = ?
                V1 = Volume of std. FAS  solution. = 20 ml
                V2 = Volume of Intermediate solution. = x ml
                N  20 = N2 x ml
                iii) Titration between unknown FAS and intermediat K2Cr2O7
                b) Titration of intermediate solution with unknown FAS
                N3V3 = N4V4
                        FAS = K2Cr2O7
                N3 = Normality of unknown FAS solution.= ?
                N4 = Normality of Intermediate  K2Cr2O7  solution. 
                V3 = Volume of unknown FAS solution.= 20 ml
                V4 = Volume of Intermediate  K2Cr2O7 solution. =y ml
                N3 20 = N4 y ml
                N3 20 =  y ml
                N3 =
                iv) Concentration of unknown FAS
                Concentration = Normality  Eq. wt.
                Strength = 278
                                = ............ g/lit.

Result- Strength unknown crystalline FAS  given in bottle B is  ...........gm/liter.
Exp. 8
AIM-     To find the percentage purity of crystllin Ferrous Ammonium sulphate  given in bottle B. Which is properad by mixing 12.0 gm per litre of impure sample. You are provided with 6.5352 gm per 500 ml of known FAS in Bottle A.  Intermidiate solution is K2Cr2O7 and   Indicator is N-Phenyl anthrallic acid.
Theory- Reaction between K2Cr2O7 and FAS is a redox reactin, where Fe+2 gets oxidixed to  Fe+2 to Fe+3 ions. and Cr+6 is reduced to Cr+3.
                Chemical reaction
                K2Cr2O7+7FeSO4(NH4)2SO4.6H2O + 7 H2SO4 K2SO4 +Cr2(SO4)3 +3Fe2(SO4)3 + 6(NH4)2 SO4 + 43H2O
                Ionic  reaction
                Cr2O7-2 + 6 Fe+2+ 14H+Cr+3 + 6 Fe+3+ 7H2O
Obseration Table 1
a) Titration of std FAS with intermediate K2Cr2O7 solution

Obseration Table 2
b) Titration between unknown FAS solution and intermediate K2Cr2O4 solution.

                Calculation -
                i) Normality fo std. FAs solution
                N = =
                ii) Titration between std FAS and intermediat K2Cr2O7

                FAS = K2Cr2O7
                N1V1 = N2V2
                N1 = Normality of std.FAS solution.
                N2 = Normality of Intermediate solution. = ?
                V1 = Volume of std. FAS  solution. = 20 ml
                V2 = Volume of Intermediate solution. = x ml
                N  20 = N2 x ml
                N2 =N
                iii) Titration between unknown FAS and intermediat K2Cr2O7
                b) Titration of intermediate solution with unknown FAS
                N3V3 = N4V4
                        FAS = K2Cr2O7
                N3 = Normality of unknown FAS solution.= ?
                N4 = Normality of Intermediate  K2Cr2O7  solution. 
                V3 = Volume of unknown FAS solution.= 20 ml
                V4 = Volume of Intermediate  K2Cr2O7 solution. =y ml
                N3 20 = N4 y ml
                N3 20 =  y ml
                N3 = N
                iv) Concentration of unknown FAS
                Concentration = Normality  Eq. wt.
                Strength = 278
                                = ............ g/lit.
                v) Percentage purity of unknown FAS
                                 = 100.
                                = 100
                                = ............ %.
Result- Percentage purity of unknown crystalline FAS  given in bottle B is found to be  ...........%.
                Some Imp. Reagents.
                1) Shiff’s reagent - 1 gm Pararosauiline hydroxide in 100 ml water. Heat, Coll and then filter the solution pass SO2 gas in filtrate and dil. the solution to 1 lit. so that pink colour disappears.
                2) Cerric Ammonium - 100 gm Cerric ammonium nitrate in 250 ml HNO3 solution.
                3) Sodium Nitroprusside - Take 1 gm reagent in 200 ml distilled water.
                4) Tollen’s Reagent - 2 ml 5% AgNO3 + 1 drop NaOH, mix well and add NH4OH so that ppt will disolve.
                5) 2,4-dinitrophenyl hydrazine solutoin- mix (4 gm sub + 20 ml conc. H2SO4) and ( 40 ml spirit + 40 ml dist. water)
                6) Phenylhydrazine solution - 20 gm phenyl hydrazine in 20 ml glacial acetic acid in 200 ml  dist water.
                7) Mollisch’s reagent - 10 gm -Naphthol in 90 ml spirit.
                8) Fehling’s solution  (A) - 34.8 CuSO4 in 500 ml dist. water and same drops of dil. H2SO4
                     Fehling’s solution  (B) - 164 gm Rocholla salt and 50 gm NaOH in 500 ml dist. water.
Appendix - 4
                Primary treatment which can be done in the lab
                the first aid box should be in the lab. A general first aid has following medicines- Dettol, Glycerine, Burnol,  1% Acetic acid, 1 % and 8% boric acid, cotton, bandadge.
                Acidentally if any mishappens ocurs in the lab inform your teacher.
                Following is the primary treatment for the acident occur in the lab.
                1) On burning -
                a) by flask (fine burnign)- Rub 8% NaHCO3 solution on that burnign part.
                b) With hot water - use Acroflavin.
                c) By Br2 -8% NaHCO3
                        d) By Na metal - Wash with H2O and add 1% acetic acid then apply olive oil.
e) by acid - wash with cold water and then apply 8% NaHCO3 solution then again wash with acroflavin.
f) by bare - wash with cold water immediately and then wash with 1% CH3COOH.
2) by inhaling any gas- Take the student to fresh air give artificial resp. if the breathing stopped.
i) Do gangles with NaHCO3 solution which inhated Cl2 or Br2 gas.
ii) On inhaling excess of NH3, put chill water in the nose.
C) On Fire -
i) Use fire extinguisher
ii) Fold using thick blanket when fire to the colothes.
D) during Eye aecident
a) Br2 water in eyes- wash eyes with 1% of NaHCO3 solution and then consult doctor.
b) Acid in eyes- Wash eyes with  1% of NaHCO3 solution and then wash with cold water.
c) Base in eyes - Wash eyes with cold water and then with 1% with boric acid solution.
E) When chemical into the mouth-
i) wash the mouth with water and then do gargles with cold water in care. when acid enters into mouth.
ii) In the care of base drink excess of water and then drink milk.

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